Monday, January 11, 2016

Owen- 15 Months

This is a few days late… but better later than never! Owen turned 15 months last Friday and we celebrated by going to the doctor and getting shots!

Owen's 15 Month Stats:
Height: 32.5 inches (91st percentile)
Weight: 26.5 pounds (91st percentile)
Head Circumference: 47.5 cm (70th percentile)

Owen's Favorite (at 15 months)... 
-Play Kitchen, Cart of Food and Ikea Pots and Pans (he likes to walk around throwing items from the cart)
- All of Rex's toys (he likes it when Rex follows him around trying to get his toys back)
- Big Dump Trucks and Hotwheels/Matchbox Cars

- Milk… still getting 4 bottles a day but we learned at our doctor's appointment that he should be getting less milk from bottles and more from the sippy cup these days. We are working on this.

- Working on going down the stairs. He likes to try to walk down holding my hands.
- Working on vocabulary. He is behind other children his age in this area so I am trying to read to him more and trying to repeat easy words hoping some of them will stick. Owen should know 5 words at his age and he only knows 2.

House Projects
Just before Christmas, I got a new piece of furniture for the living room- a teal cabinet/console table. I needed something on the wall above it. So I decided to do a gallery wall. It turned out beautifully! I'm glad I did my research before taking on this project. It might look like a bunch of random things thrown up on the wall, but I did actually go through several steps to get it looking like that.

1. I had to decide on a color scheme. I wanted to pull the teal in from the table and also navy because I have navy pillow on my couch. I think gold looks really nice with teal and navy and I thought black frames would be better than white or brown frames. 

2. First I looked through frames I had sitting in storage to see if I could use anything I already had (this was unsuccessful). Then I went to Homegoods and Hobby Lobby. I really hit the jack pot at Hobby Lobby. 

3. Next I measured the area I wanted to cover on the wall and made a template on the floor. That way I could easily play around and get all of my items arranged perfectly. 

4. I used kraft paper and outlined every item complete with an 'x' marking where the hook is to hang the item. Then, I taped all of the kraft paper templates to the wall. Once everything was up on the wall, I tweaked the arrangement to get it just right.

5. Finally, I hammered nails directly into the kraft paper using the 'x's' I marked. Then I hung my items. This step actually took the least amount of time. Here is the finished product…...

I love the way it turned out!

My last post had most of my recent photos. I've only taken a few since Christmas… 

Until Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog post and the gallery wall! You're like Pinterest come to life! :)
