Saturday, October 10, 2015


Little Owen Mayk is ONE! He has changed our lives so much and brought us so much happiness this past year and this is just the first year of many to come. I know I will continue to be proud of all of his accomplishments, both big and small. I love being home with him. My favorite part of the day is when he gets up and I feed him his morning bottle. We watch Curious George and snuggle while he drinks. Then it's playtime!

Rich and I took Owen to the zoo on his birthday. It was a nice family outing. I think Rich and I enjoyed it as much as Owen. I hadn't been to a zoo since I was in elementary school. I was surprised at how much Owen looked at the animals. He even made "ohhhh" and "ahhhh" sounds. He really liked the turtles swimming in a tank and monkeys.

Owen is so close to walking…. he stands and tried to take a step, but falls. I think he will be walking in the next month.

Owen's Party is this weekend. I will do a separate post on his party.

We did a photo shoot with my talented friend Laurence to get some good one year old photos of Owen. Here are some of my favorites...

Owen's 12 Month Milestones
- You love to THROW.... food, balls, toys... if you can pick it up you can throw it. It's cute when you are playing catch with mommy and daddy but not so cute at Tiny Tykes and Tunes Music class when you are chucking tambourines and maracas at other babies!
- You are starting to get picky about your food. You've decided you don't like veggies... the only way I can get you to eat them is if they are hidden in a puree with fruit. Your favorite foods are peaches, grapes, little yums teething wafers, yogurt, mashed potatoes, chicken pot pie, apple sauce and Gerber puffs.
- You want to play with Rex so badly. You steal his toys constantly wanting him to come take them from you. Rex hasn't yet decided if he wants to play with you or not. You make him nervous.
- You no longer fall asleep while drinking your bottle, you are always wide awake after drinking. However, it's not a problem because you go right to sleep when we lay you in your crib. You like to snuggle your little elephant lovie right before you fall asleep.
- You are very vocal... but don't really have anything to say in English yet.
- You love being held upside-down. Sometimes when mommy picks you tilt your head back to let me know you want to go upside down.
- You sleep 7 to 7 and wake up very rarely in the middle of the night... I think the last time you did was in July?
- You can STAND all by yourself. You started a week before your birthday. Next up…. walking!
- You weigh 24.1 lbs (87%) and are 31.5 inches tall (96%)

Here are some more photos from this month:

Until Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Owen! I love the last picture of him with his cupcake! :)
