Sunday, December 28, 2014

Owen's 1st Christmas

Sorry it's been a while since I've blogged. I've been enjoying my time with Owen before I go back to work. I will probably just do monthly posts with an occasional post when we do something worth blogging about from now on.

We had a wonderful Christmas. We spent the morning with my family having breakfast and opening gifts. Then we went to Marietta/Roswell and spent the rest of the day with Rich's family eating and opening more gifts. Owen was exhausted and very fussy by 7:00. He made out pretty well gift-wise on his first Christmas.

That's not even all of them… I found a few more things after I took the picture that I forgot to include!

Owen's Milestones (weeks 10-12)

- You met aunt Laurie and uncle Gene, your godparents Mary and Sam and all mommy's coworkers.
-You've found "your voice." You like to make all kinds of sounds… especially when you play!
- You can grip fingers, but can't hold a rattle yet.
- You really like to be held up with your feet on a surface like you are standing and bounce.
- You are taking more naps during the day and sleeping well at night. We are starting to be on more of a schedule.

New stockings this year. 

Table set for Christmas breakfast.

Owen with all his presents at the a.m. gift opening session :)

Owen with Papa.

Rex jumped into Rich's lap.

Owen with Yia Yia and Pop Pop.

Owen's advent calendar. It's so cute! 

Aunt Laurie and Owen.

Rich and me

Rich and Owen in their Christmas sweaters.

In case you didn't realize it in the picture above… Owen is actually in the picture with all his presents.

I read the Elf on the Shelf book to Owen. So excited to start doing it next year!

I think he actually listened and looked at the pictures.

Happy New Year to everyone reading my blog. I think the next few months are going to be stressful and exciting. As I go back to work (part-time), I have to figure out how to balance work with being a mom.  Also, we are getting the house ready to sell in just a few months and moving to a bigger house in the burbs! Lots to look forward to!

 Until next time…

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