Monday, February 9, 2015

Happy 4 Months Owen!

 I might be biased… but I think our little boy is pretty darn cute! And he just keeps getting more handsome every day! These last four months have both flown by and gone slowly at the same time… if that makes any sense. Someone told me recently that with little ones the hours go by slowly, but the months fly by. I think it takes being a mother to really understand how true it is.

I feel like our house is full of baby stuff right now. 4 months is an age where you use a lot of different equipment. Owen still enjoys his gyms (he has 2, 1 for his bedroom and 1 in the living room) and spends most of his playing time in them. He still goes in his swing about once a day for a nap. We put him in the mamaroo when he's awake and happy, but we are doing stuff like making dinner. He likes to sit in it and watch us. We also put him in his bouncer a lot and it's a great place to put him while we feed him. We also have a bumbo seat and a summer infant activity seat which he isn't completely comfortable in yet but I think we will start using a lot more until he can sit on his own. If all of that wasn't enough, I picked up a doorway jumper and a jumperoo (kind of like an exsaucer) at a consignment sale last weekend. I got a great deal on them and both items can start being used at 4 months. As you can imagine… there is baby stuff everywhere! I think it's just the age though, he hasn't quite outgrown some things but is old enough to start using other things in small doses. I think in another month or 2 he'll start sitting up and then will be too big for the gyms, bouncer, bumbo and summer infant seat. He'll be too tall for the swing and mamaroo and all we will have left is the jumper and jumperoo (and we'll get the highchair out then too). At the same time… we are trying to clean and organize the house to put on the market. I hate to put things away before Owen is done with them since there is such a small window he can use them in. I guess we will just keep everything out until the day we put it on the market and hopefully the house will sell fast so we can get everything back out again.

At Owen's 4 month appointment, the doctor told us to start doing a rice cereal feeding once a day to get him used to eating with a spoon. We started right away! I mixed the cereal with formula for his first feeding and he absolutely hated it! See the face of disapproval below….

He isn't a big fan of formula. But then I mixed it with breast milk and he loved it. He kicks his legs in excitement when I feed him… making getting the food in his mouth very challenging. We have to change his clothes after every feeding… he is such a mess. At least rice cereal doesn't stain!

Owen's milestones:
- You weighed 15.3 lbs (43rd percentile) and measured 25.75 inches (77th percentile) at your 4 month doctor's appointment. So you are long and lean!
- You definitely follow me with your eyes/head when I walk around the room. You are very aware of your environment.
- You are starting to enjoy our walks outside and hardly ever cry on them.
- We went to a gymboree class… you really enjoyed watching the teacher sing and looking at the other babies. We got a membership and are going to be going weekly.
- You went into the doorway jumper and the jumperoo for the first time…you like both of them in small doses… after 5 minutes you get a little overwhelmed. I think you will be more of a fan in another month.

Until Next Time,