Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Week 33 Bumpdate

How far along: 33 weeks! Less than 7 (but hopefully more than 4) weeks to go!!!

Baby Size: 19 inches / 4.5 pounds (Using the What to Expect App)

Maternity Clothes: I have reached the point where my maternity pants are fitting too tight. Looks like it's going to be all dresses for the duration of the pregnancy. Hopefully it will still be warm enough in late September/early October for me to be warm enough in them.

Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well. Still going to the bathroom a few times a night, but able to fall right back asleep after my bathroom trips.

Stretch marks: Still none

Gender: Boy

Movement: He's gotten bigger and has less space, so his movements feel more powerful now. 

Best moment this week: I hosted bunco at my house this week, which I was stressed out about (getting the house clean, cooking etc.) but it ended up being really fun and I won some money! Also, keeping the house clean has been something that's been harder for me to do lately. I just haven't had as much "free time" and when I do, I don't have the energy for it. As a result, I feel like our house is falling apart. Today we hired some cleaning people to clean our home every 2 weeks (they are going to start on Friday!). I'm really excited about having a clean home and having more time to get to other projects. Also, it's going to be really nice not having to worry about it when the baby comes.

Looking forward to: Our "Baby Essentials" class this Saturday. This is the last class we are taking... and I think we saved the best for last. We are going to learn how to hold the baby, how to swaddle, how to give the baby a bath etc. We had our infant CPR and safety class last weekend. Hopefully we will never have to perform CPR on our baby, but I feel better knowing how in the event we have to.

Food Cravings: Ice cold water

Anything making you sick: I have to eat lighter meals otherwise I feel sick from being too full.

Labor signs: I was going to wait until about 36 weeks to add this question, but it seemed fitting to go ahead and add it this week. On Monday I woke up with some bad cramping. I wasn't bleeding and I didn't think they were contractions because they weren't spaced apart, so I decided to still go into work. I talked to other women at work who have been through this before and they advised me to just call the doctor and make sure it's okay. So I called and they instructed me to go to the hospital right away. I went to the hospital  and felt kind of silly checking in, getting the hospital gown on etc. because I was sure it was nothing and I would be leaving shortly. However, they hooked me up to the contraction monitor and saw that I was having contractions spaced about a minute apart. They gave me an injection to stop the contractions and also determined that I was dehydrated and made me have an IV :( I had told Rich not to come earlier, but I'm glad he didn't listen to me and came anyways. The first shot didn't work so they gave me another one a few hours later. Then started talking about checking us in to stay for preterm labor... which was really scary. They said although its not ideal, the baby would be fine if he were born at this point. They were monitoring his heartbeat the whole time I was there and he was not distressed. Rich and I were though... we were supposed to have a fall baby, not a summer baby... we don't have our bags packed,  the car seat installed, maternity leave forms filled out and approved etc. The nurse was going to try to give me a third (and final shot) before talking about options, but my heart rate was too fast (from the first 2 shots) so she had to wait for it to slow down. Luckily, by the time the doctor came around again my contractions had stopped and she decided to discharge me (after being there for 7 hours). She said to take it easier for the rest of the pregnancy... no more exercising only short walks when it's cool out and to come back if it happens again. Rich and I now have a lot to do this weekend... now that we realize this baby could be here any day now (hopefully not, but it could happen). I've read that if you go into labor anytime after 36 weeks they will let it progress and won't try to stop it. That is less than 3 weeks away for us!

What I miss: Not being pregnant. Rich now has to help me put my socks and shoes on and its hard to get comfortable on the couch when watching TV... my back constantly hurts.

Nursery: I will do an update on the nursery soon when we have the bookcase. Right now it looks messy.

Belly button in or out: In except for the top is flipped out a little.

Wedding rings on or off: On

Mood: Anxious.... hoping the next month flies by.

Workouts: I went on a long walk Friday and Sunday (which they think might be the cause of Mondays labor), so no more long walks :( I am just going to have to deal with gaining weight the rest of the pregnancy and try to just manage it by eating healthy. Rex is going to be sad... he likes our walks :(

What's going on with baby: This week baby's bones are hardening, he is going through major brain development and is continuing to practice his breathing, sucking and swallowing. His eyes are now open when he is awake.

Until next time....

Monday, August 18, 2014

Week 32 Bumpdate

How far along: 32 Weeks! Less than 8 weeks to go!

Baby size: 19 inches / 3.9 pounds (estimate using the What to Expect App)

Maternity Clothes: I'm getting tired of this question... the same way I'm getting tired of wearing the same clothes all the time!

Sleep: I'm sleeping well. It seems like I've had to get up early a lot this week. I was able to sleep in for once on Sunday and it was AMAZING. I'm hoping to fit a few more of those kind of days in before baby arrives.

Stretch marks: None

Gender: It better be a boy since I have loads of baby boy clothes.

Movement: He's been moving a lot. I keep feeling kicks on my ribs and on my side ... so I hope that means his head is down in position for birth. I asked my doctor at my last appointment if they check and she said not until 36 weeks because he can still move out of position at this point. 

Best moment this week: My baby shower on Sunday thrown by some of my neighborhood friends. It was lovely and I really appreciate everyone coming to celebrate Baby Mayk. I've included a few pictures from the shower below.

Looking forward to: Starting my NEW JOB in 2 weeks! It's official... I have accepted a position in another department (same organization). I'm really excited about making this move...I think it's going to be really great. Oh and I'm excited for a new episode of ABC's The Bachelor in Paradise tonight :) It's a little guilty pleasure of mine (and Rich's)!

Food cravings: Lately I've been really hungry in the morning and not as hungry as the day goes on. So in the morning I want to (and often lately have been) forgo my healthy greek yogurt and fruit for something delicious like a Chick-fil-a chicken biscuit, sesame seed bagel with cream cheese or toast with peanut butter. After my naughty breakfast I feel guilty and try to eat better the rest of the day.

Anything making you sick: Not really. I've been getting heartburn and acid reflex at night but I don't think food is causing it.

Belly button in or out: Still in

Wedding rings on or off: On

Workouts: I've not been doing great in this area this week. I may have gone on a walk or 2. I am so tired when I get home from work I don't know if I could even make it around the block most nights. And then we had a full weekend which didn't allow any time for workouts. My weight gain seemed to slow down a little after that 6 pound "growth spurt" at my 30 week doctor visit. At my 32 week visit I was only up 1 pound from my 30 week visit, bringing the total weight gain to 19 pounds.

What's going on with baby: Pumpkin is probably in the head-down position now, getting ready for his descent. He is accumulating fat and skin is becoming less transparent. Also, he is practicing some of the skills he will use outside the womb such as sucking, swallowing, breathing and kicking.

Until next time...

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Week 31 Bumpdate

I got photo-bombed by Rex this week :) Rex is just so excited that we are in the home stretch and can't wait to meet and protect his little brother in 9 weeks!
How far along: 31 weeks!!! Only 9 weeks to go!

Baby size: 18 inches, 3.2 pounds (using the What to Expect App)

Maternity clothes: It's all I wear!

Stretch marks: Still none

Sleep: I've been having some sleepless nights... I find that one night I won't get a lot of sleep because I can't get comfortable, have to get up a lot to go to the bathroom etc, and then the next night I will sleep well because I am so exhausted from being up the night before. It's a vicious cycle.

Gender: It's a Boy!

Movement: He likes to move when I sit on the couch at night. You can see my whole belly shake. It freaks Rich out a little.

Best moment this week: We kicked off the beginning of our month of classes with the hospital tour this weekend. There were 6 total couples on the tour and 5 out of 6 were also having boys in October (2 of them were due the day after me). This hospital is going to be full of BOYS in October. We also got to see a labor and delivery room and a recovery room and learned about what to do when you come to the hospital, what you should bring etc. It made everything feel more real and helped with some anxiety I have about the big day.

Looking forward to: My 2nd Baby Shower this Sunday which is being thrown by some of the girls in my neighborhood.

Food cravings: Still eating a lot of chicken salad. I went to a "Lunch-and-Learn" at work today and had a chicken salad sandwich from Jason's Deli today... let me just say that they should be ashamed of their chicken salad. I've eaten a lot of chicken salad from a lot of different places lately and Jason Deli's chicken salad is by far the worst I've ever had! They put pineapple in it! Don't get me wrong... I love pineapple, it just has no place in chicken salad.

Anything making you sick: Nope

Nursery: I've completed my DIY project involving his name for above the crib. I think it turned out well. We just have to wait to put it up until after he's here. I've also washed all his little clothes, sheets, towels and blankets and have been putting them away. 

Belly button in or out: Still the same as last week.... it's still in but the top is flipped out a little.

Wedding rings on or off: On

Workouts: I went to the gym and did the elliptical for 40 minutes Friday and plan on going tonight. Definitely not going as often as I would like, but my evenings and weekends have been busy and my body just can't handle as much as it used to.

What's going on with baby: Pumpkin has developed all 5 of his senses. The irises of his eyes can now react to the light he can see through my skin. He's also going through major brain and nerve development this week.

Until next time...

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A Sweet Shower for Pumpkin!

Last weekend I had my first baby shower. It was thrown by Rich's mom, aunt, grandmother and sister and was absolutely lovely.....

The first item on the shower's agenda was a very nice luncheon. We had punch, chicken salad sandwiches, pimento cheese, broccoli salad and fresh fruit. The menu was perfect since it actually included 2 of my biggest pregnancy cravings; watermelon and chicken salad! There were even trays to make it easy for guests to eat anywhere!

Next on the shower agenda..... GAMES. The games were very tasteful. Nothing tacky or cliche. 

For the first game there was a tray of 17 baby related items. We had a minute to look at it and then had to write down as many as we could remember... I only got 5 (I blame pregnancy brain). Francine won the game (I believe she got almost all of them)! She won the tray and I got to keep all of the baby items :)

The next game was a print out of questions related to nursery rhymes. I did very poorly at this game... only getting 1 out of 20! 

And the final game was a few rounds of baby shower bingo. Laurie officiated the bingo game and Rich's Yia Yia helped.

No baby shower would be complete without the final item on the Baby Shower Agenda.... The dessert and presents!!!! 

I even had a little "throne" to sit on....

I got a lot of good stuff.... clothes, gear, necessities, even some cute handmade items!

Rich even came towards the end of the present opening to say hi and help open the last few...

Then  it was time to say goodbye. It was such a perfect shower and I am very grateful for all the love and support we received  (in addition to the gifts). Pumpkin is going to be very spoiled and very well dressed! 

Below are some pictures from the shower I wanted to include... but they didn't really fit into my narrative above....

Me with the "little divas." 
Nicole and Elaine
Michelle, Pat and Jennifer
Laurie, Tina and Linda
Mommy and daddy to-be.
Me with all the "grandmas-to-be"... Yia Yia Tina, Nana Nancy and Great Yia Yia Sis
Me, Laurence and Eva
Me and Nicole
Me and Jennifer
Me and Sarah
Me and Ashley
Me and Kristi (due 3 weeks before me)
Me and my mom
Ashley, Eva and Laurence
Lindsey, me and Rosa
Eva with Rich's Yia Yia.
Dedra, me and Lindsey

Until next time,

Monday, August 4, 2014

Week 30 Bumpdate

How far along: 30 weeks! We are on the home stretch.... only 10 to go!

Baby size: 17 inches / 3.1 pounds (Using the What to Expect App)

Maternity clothes: Yes

Stretch marks: None

Sleep: Not really any changes here... some nights are good some are not.

Gender: It's a Boy!

Movement: Still kicking a lot in the morning and at night.

Best moment this week: Definitely my baby shower on Saturday!!! The hostesses did an amazing job... everything was perfect. I can't believe how many people came to shower Pumpkin with love and gifts. He is one lucky little boy! I will do a separate blog post on the shower at some point this week.

Me with all of my shower hostesses (from left to right Cousin Nicole, Yia Yia Tina, me, Great Yia Yia Sis, Aunt Laurie and Great Aunt Elaine).
Looking forward to: This weekend! I have Friday off and will hopefully be able to get started on my DIY project for the nursery. Also, this weekend kicks off the beginning of our hospital classes. We are taking a class every Saturday for the rest of August. This weekend we are starting off with a tour of the hospital.

Food cravings: Chicken salad and cookie cake (I need to watch the cookie cake craving because I gained 6 pounds at my last doctors appointment... they said that was kind of a big jump but my overall weight gain of 18 pounds is on track for a healthy pregnancy)

Anything making you sick: Apparently an empty stomach... I got sick on the way to work last week and I have no idea why because I hadn't even eaten breakfast yet!

Nursery: It's kind of a disaster zone right now.... boxes everywhere... crib in the middle of the room etc. I started to wash and put away all of Pumpkin's new little outfits we got as shower gifts and organize all the gear but couldn't get through it all this weekend. I also ordered the materials for my DIY project I am going to put on the wall above his bed. I can't wait to get it started.... although I won't be posting a picture of it on the blog until after he is here since we are keeping his name a secret :).

Belly button in or out: The top is starting to flip out.... you can even see it through my clothes... I wish it would decide what to do... either all in or all out. It looks like I have half a belly button.

Wedding rings on or off: On

Workouts: After gaining that 6 pounds, I am trying to be more conscious about being active. If I have a break at work I try to walk the halls/stairs and have been trying to go on a walk after work when I can.

What's going on with baby: Pumpkin (now the size of a cucumber) can now regulate his own body temperature and is shedding the downy hair he had all over his body to keep him warm. His brain is developing a lot this week. Also, he is getting stronger and is now strong enough to grasp a finger!

Until next time...