Sunday, December 28, 2014

Owen's 1st Christmas

Sorry it's been a while since I've blogged. I've been enjoying my time with Owen before I go back to work. I will probably just do monthly posts with an occasional post when we do something worth blogging about from now on.

We had a wonderful Christmas. We spent the morning with my family having breakfast and opening gifts. Then we went to Marietta/Roswell and spent the rest of the day with Rich's family eating and opening more gifts. Owen was exhausted and very fussy by 7:00. He made out pretty well gift-wise on his first Christmas.

That's not even all of them… I found a few more things after I took the picture that I forgot to include!

Owen's Milestones (weeks 10-12)

- You met aunt Laurie and uncle Gene, your godparents Mary and Sam and all mommy's coworkers.
-You've found "your voice." You like to make all kinds of sounds… especially when you play!
- You can grip fingers, but can't hold a rattle yet.
- You really like to be held up with your feet on a surface like you are standing and bounce.
- You are taking more naps during the day and sleeping well at night. We are starting to be on more of a schedule.

New stockings this year. 

Table set for Christmas breakfast.

Owen with all his presents at the a.m. gift opening session :)

Owen with Papa.

Rex jumped into Rich's lap.

Owen with Yia Yia and Pop Pop.

Owen's advent calendar. It's so cute! 

Aunt Laurie and Owen.

Rich and me

Rich and Owen in their Christmas sweaters.

In case you didn't realize it in the picture above… Owen is actually in the picture with all his presents.

I read the Elf on the Shelf book to Owen. So excited to start doing it next year!

I think he actually listened and looked at the pictures.

Happy New Year to everyone reading my blog. I think the next few months are going to be stressful and exciting. As I go back to work (part-time), I have to figure out how to balance work with being a mom.  Also, we are getting the house ready to sell in just a few months and moving to a bigger house in the burbs! Lots to look forward to!

 Until next time…

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Week 9- Happy 2 Months Owen!

Owen's Milestones

- You weigh 12 pounds 7 ounces now… about average for your gender/age.
- We started putting you in your 3-6 month sized sleepers. The 3 month sleepers were looking like capris.
- You cried today when you got your first round of shots at the doctor :(
- You can entertain yourself in your gym for longer periods of time. Mommy got lots of Christmas present wrapping done this week.
- A neighbor loaned us her "Mamaroo" to see if you like it. So far you LOVE it. You nap really well in it and even when you aren't sleeping you sit in it quietly and look around.
- We are starting to try to put you in your crib to sleep. All attempts so far have been unsuccessful…..

Owen sleeping in the MamaRoo. He likes the "car ride" setting.
Rich's parents babysat on Friday so we could go to an ugly sweater bunco party.

I love seeing Owen's beautiful smile.

He is getting more and more expressive :)

Until Next Time,

Monday, December 1, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving! Owen- Weeks 7 and 8

 Sorry I missed a week updating the blog… we were pretty busy around here while my sister was in town. We did lots of shopping and hanging out with family. We just got home from dropping them off at the airport. It's always sad to say goodbye since we don't get to see each other very often :(

I can't believe it's December already! We decked the halls at the house this weekend and I bought some christmas tree scented candles today (we have a fake tree). I absolutely love this time of year!

Owen's Milestones
- You smile a lot now. The place you smile the most is on your changing table… I think maybe because you can see me really well and I talk to you.
- You can grip my finger. I've tried a rattle and you won't hold onto that yet, but I don't think it will be long.
- You can entertain yourself in your "gyms"  (yes, we have 2) for about 30 minutes twice a day so that mommy can get things done around the house. You can hit the hanging toys, look in the mirror at yourself and kick the piano.
- You will nap during the day IF someone holds you the entire time or IF we are out of the house and you are in your car seat. You are still a pretty good sleeper at night.
 - Your 0-3 months clothes are getting tight… I can't believe it since you aren't even 2 months yet. Mommy wants you to slow down growing!

Here are some photos from the last 2 weeks:

Our living room. We got new stockings with our names on them this year :)

Owen in his turkey shirt.

Owen with his 2nd cousin, Sarah.

Owen gripping my finger.

Selfie with Owen in the carrier.

Owen rolling over in his gym.

Me with my nephew and niece. I made them turkey shirts to match Owen's shirt.

Me with my sister and brother.

Family photo

Cousins in their turkey shirts

Ethan and Olivia loved Thanksgiving

Cousin Sarah with Owen. 

Family photo today before going to the airport.


Nana and Papa with all of their grandkids.

Family photo on Thanksgiving.

Turkey shirt picture

Livie being silly

We did crafts on the floor.

Rex looking cool.

Apple pie I baked for Thanksgiving. The first one I've ever made.

Rex making himself comfortable.

Please excuse any typos… these days I often have to update the blog while holding a baby or very quickly while he sleeps.

Until Next Time…

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Owen Week 6

I feel like Owen grew up a lot this week. He is now starting to play and can entertain himself for short periods of time. He also started smiling… it makes me cry when he smiles at me (hormones :)). We haven't been walking very much this week because it got so cold out! I think it's supposed to warm up a little so hopefully we can get out again.

My sister and her family arrived on Friday. We are having fun visiting with them. Owen loves watching the kids and seeing what he will look like in a few years :) We had a little birthday celebration for the kids at our house when they arrived as they both celebrated a birthday recently (Ethan-7 and Olivia-4).

Owen's Milestones

- You started smiling when we sing to you and while playing in your gym.
- You started "dancing" (kicking your legs and waving your arms with excitement) while playing in your gym or laying in the crib looking at your mobile.
- You are starting to notice and be interested in toys hanging above you. You do hit them with your arms (by accident I'm pretty sure) and are excited when they move.
- You met your aunt Laura, uncle Craig and cousins Ethan and Olivia this week.

Owen's grandparents feeding him a bottle.

My little handsome guy.

Olivia's birthday cake.

Ethan's birthday cake.

Ethan holding Owen.

Owen with Aunt Laura, Uncle Nick and Olivia.

Ethan feeding Owen a bottle.

Olivia feeding Owen a bottle.

Olivia with the birthday balloons.
Owen playing in his gym.

Until Next Time,